Artist - Song name | Category | Date added | Hits |
Ameli si Cristin Deac - Frunza verde, garofita | Petrecere | 13 October 2023 | 1181 |
Ameli si Cristin Deac - Trandafir cu creanga-n jos | Petrecere | 13 October 2023 | 1153 |
Ameli si Cristin Deac - Floricica busuioc 2021 | Petrecere | 02 October 2021 | 1857 |
Ameli si Cristin Deac - Dorul de bunici | Petrecere | 01 October 2021 | 1865 |
Deac Cristin - Eu is Ana botezata | Petrecere | 21 September 2020 | 1494 |
Cristin & Ameli Deac - Mandra-i gradina cu flori | Petrecere | 03 August 2020 | 1508 |
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